When the cold winter season hits in Billings, many of us spend a lot more time indoors. While having a home heating system is a great way to stay warm, Montana’s harsh winters can be quite challenging. For this reason, we’re going to share our best tips to help you keep a nice and toasty home this upcoming winter season.


One of the best ways to control the temperature inside your home is to insulate it. Depending on where you live, there are minimum recommended standards for household insulation. Ensure that your insulation meets the local building code’s recommended R-value.

Be sure to check the state of your existing insulation, paying particular attention to any holes or open areas. These should be filled in, and your insulation should sit just proud of your attic joists. If your home lacks adequate insulation, make sure to add more. The higher your insulation’s R-value, the more resistant it will make your home to the outdoor temperature.

Seal Up Air Leaks

Over time, air leaks can develop in exterior walls. Run your hand along your door and window frames as well as your light switches and outlets. If you feel a drop in air temperature, you have an air leak. It’s best to seal up all of these leaks to prevent cold air from seeping into your home and lowering its temperature. Some effective solutions include foam insert pads for outlets and light switches, caulking, weatherstripping, and spray foam insulation for window and door frames.

Do Regular Air Filter Changes

Air filter changes can be a great way to ensure your heating system works efficiently. Check your filter at least once a month and replace it whenever necessary. Avoid letting your filter get overly dirty as this will drastically affect your system’s ability to adequately heat your home during the worst of the winter season.

Use Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans are a great addition to any home that’s looking to stay warm without driving up its energy costs. Be sure to set your fans to spin in reverse so they push air outwards and down to the floor. This method works to circulate hot air trapped at the top of your rooms back down toward the floor. You essentially get to reuse your heat over and over again before needing to turn your heating system back on.

Let In Direct Sunlight

The sun is a great supplemental way to heat your home for free. Simply open windows and blinds that face the sun. On an average day, the sun can heat the inside of your home by up to 10 degrees or more.

Consider a Whole-Home Humidifier

When the air is dry, it doesn’t retain heat for very long. This requires your heating system to run continuously to try to keep up with your comfort needs. Introducing humidity into your home can help increase your comfort. This is because moisture can retain more heat. A whole-home humidifier can work with your heating system to optimize indoor comfort.

Consider Adding Rugs

While wood, laminate, and vinyl floors can be beautiful and super easy to clean, they aren’t the best for wintertime. A cold floor can leave your feet feeling chilled and ultimately cool your entire body. Adding rugs strategically throughout your home can help keep your floors warmer and your family more comfortable.

Professional Maintenance Service

Your heating system is the best source of heat for your home. You want to ensure that it operates efficiently and produces adequate heat to meet all your comfort needs. One surefire way to keep your unit in prime condition is to schedule professional maintenance service. Regular furnace tune-ups will ensure that your system is ready to withstand subzero temperatures.

Exceptional Heating Maintenance Service

Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC offers exceptional heating maintenance service for the Billings, MT, community. We can also assist with all your air conditioning, heating, fireplace, dehumidifier, humidifier, air purifier, and thermostat needs. We are proud to be a family-owned contractor serving the area since 1983. Our technicians focus on providing quality service with a smile. Contact our office today to schedule your next service consultation with our team.

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