For healthy living and all-day comfort, you’ll want to make indoor air quality a priority with purifiers in Billings, MT. Billings residents benefit from having a steady supply of clean, fresh air. Unfortunately, not all indoor air is as fresh as you might like. Dust, pet dander, bacteria, viruses, and mold spores are common in indoor air.

Plus, outdoor contaminants, such as pollen, smoke, and vehicle exhaust, can easily make their way inside your home. That’s why being intentional about maintaining high-quality indoor air is so important. You can take steps to keep the air you breathe as clean as possible.

Air Purifiers in Billings MT

Your heater and cooling system includes a filter to trap dust and other particles from the air. Maintaining a clean HVAC filter is the first step to improving your indoor air quality. You can take your air filtration beyond that level, though. An air purifier will do a more thorough job of removing contaminants from your air.

Air purifiers use a series of heavy-duty filters to screen out particles and allergens. Models featuring HEPA filters are the most effective. They can capture dust, mold spores, smoke, pollen, lint, and microbes.

Some homeowners choose portable air purifiers for cleaning their indoor air. Those units can be useful, but you might need to put one in every room. Installing a whole-home air purifier is the more thorough approach. That type of purifier will clean all the air that runs through your HVAC system.

Indoor Air Quality Testing

There is probably a wide variety of contaminants in your indoor air. You could take a guess as to what they are, but without testing, you can’t know for sure. Air quality testing in Billings can give you a clearer picture of your situation.

Learning about the condition of your indoor air quality is the first step toward fixing the issue. Once you know what you’re dealing with, you can make an effective plan for improving your air.

Professional air quality testing may cover the following contaminants:
  • Asbestos
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Mold
  • Pollutants
  • Radon
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

Anyone can benefit from air quality testing. For example, everyone who lives in an older home or works in an older office should consider air quality tests. Condensation or mold on the walls and other surfaces can also indicate that there’s a problem.

Musty or unpleasant odors that linger are additional reasons for concern. You may also want to call for Billings air quality testing if you are experiencing chronic respiratory symptoms. Examples include coughing and sneezing.

UV Lights for Air Quality

No one wants to catch a cold. Unfortunately, when one person in the house gets sick, it seems like everyone else quickly follows. If you’re tired of passing germs from one person to the next, it may be time for UV air purification.

UV lights can help protect your family from various harms:
  • Bacteria
  • Mildew
  • Mold
  • Viruses

UV lights don’t immediately kill these organisms. Rather, UV purifiers sterilize the air by limiting microbes’ ability to function properly. They lose the power to infect your body, and they can’t reproduce. As a result, your family may stay healthier.

You can have a professional install a UV purifier in your HVAC system. That way, all the air that passes through your furnace or air conditioner will receive this purification treatment. There are two main types of sanitizing lights available: coil sanitizers and air sanitizers. Your Billings air quality professional can recommend the UV lights that are best for your system.

To improve your indoor air quality in Billings, turn to Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC. Call or go online to schedule your appointment today.